Friday, August 24, 2012

Laguna de Santra Rosa - Conservation Science Intern

Please find the information here: Internships Fall 2012 ConSci.pdf

Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation - GIS Mapping

Please find the information here: Internships Fall 2012 - GIS.pdf

Creek Stewardship Days Intern

Please find the information here:

Sonoma Land Trust Internships for Fall 12

Internships offered:

Timber Stand/Erosion Site Field Assistant: Assist a professional forester in the field on an erosion control assessment in northwest Sonoma County.

Outings Program Assistant: Assist with our public hikes program on preserves throughout Sonoma County.

Jenner Headlands Hike Assistant: Provide field support for several hiking groups at the spectacular Jenner Headlands Preserve on the Sonoma Coast.

Burrowing Owl Habitat Project Coordinator: Get hands-on experience on all phases of creating and maintaining burrowing owl habitats in the Sonoma Baylands.

Ingrid Stearns
Outings Coordinator
Sonoma Land Trust
707.544.5614 ext. 6